When the entire world is fighting Pandemic the and respective governments of the countries are following certain lockdown procedure to contain the deadly virus, a misleading message attributed to World Health Organization (WHO) is doing the rounds on social media claiming that the organisation has set certain steps. The misleading message claims that India is also following the four-phase lockdown directed by WHO to control the spread of coronavirus in India.

News Sense Fact Check Team received the message from our readers with request to find out the truth behind the message. The team found the information misleading and hence started its investigation and come across a declaration from the official twitter page of WHO South East Asia which says, “Messages being circulated on social media as WHO protocol for lockdown are baseless and FAKE”.
Moreover, WHO website clearly specifies the following Coronavirus advice for Public and we do not found any such specific Protocol and procedure in its website to be followed by any country of the world.
India is passing through its 21 days lockdown, which has started on March 22 and it is going to end by April 14th and government has clearly specified that as of now, there is no any plan to extend the lockdown period, but it’ll decide the further course of action, observing the nature of the Pandemic. Thus we can clearly say, that the misleading claims in the name of WHO protocol and procedure is FAKE.
Claims: WHO has issued a Protocol and Procedure of lockdown periods for controlling COVID19.
Conclusion: WHO has not released any such Protocol and Procedure of lockdown periods.
NB: Don’t share or forward any misleading information on your social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp, by doing so you are also becoming someone, who is creating panic and confusion among the larger mass and this is a punishable offense.