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Fact Check: No, 2 Fruit Sellers Has Not Been Tested Positive in Kolkata

There has been a news doing rounds on social media platform particularly on WhatsApp that two fruit sellers in Jaggu Babu Bazar in Bhowanipur, South Kolkata have been tested Positive and the shops has been sealed.

The information created a lot of confusion among the residents of the Bhowanipur area and thus News Sense Fact Check team started its investigation and accordingly contacted, Mr. Murlidhar Sharma IPS, Joint Commissioner of Police, Kolkata Police.

Mr. Sharma informed us, the misleading information has been doing rounds on WhatsApp and has created confusion among the residents of the Bhowanipur area. On investigation, we found the information is fake. No fruitseller is infected in the market. So, we request people not to go by such misleading information. Before forwarding any information on WhatsApp groups, check with Police and administration.

Thus it is confirmed, that the news is fake and doesn’t have any basis.

Claim: Two COVID19 Positive fruitsellers selling fruits in Jadubabu Bazar in Bhowanipur

Conclusion: The information is Fake.

NB: Don’t share or forward any misleading information on your social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp, by doing so you are also becoming someone, who is creating panic and confusion among the larger mass and this is a punishable offense.

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