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Residential Complex Managed by Residents to fight COVID19 in New Town

Kolkata’s New Town is known for residential complexes and is vulnerable for any contamination to spread. In such a time, in response to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for Janata Curfew, the residents of the Greenwood Element in New Town has decided to help themselves, thereby giving off to all the maintenance staffs, so that they also can follow the instruction to stay indoor for 12 hours during the on going curfew. The residents themselves divided the important duties amongst themselves such as guarding the gates, cleaning the garbage etc.

Thus in this unprecedented move, the residents have set an example for any residential society across the country to follow the rule of self isolation at a time when everyone is asked to stay safe and cautious thereby controlling the movement of the Coronavirus. Apart from this New Town Forum has taken several initiatives to help people living in New Town. Those who are staying self quarantine, are not getting adequate medicine and other supports, as no one is ready to deliver anything to them. New Town Forum is trying to reach out to all those in their own way and appeals to everyone to come forward and volunteer in supporting everyone who are in need.

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