They cannot see the colors of the world but they play with colors. Yes, we are talking about a very special Holi or Phool Dol, that is being played by blinds. Yes, they may look blind, but they are open to the broader world inside and outside, which is more colorful than the outside world.

In order to make this happen charitable trust SARODIYA has been organizing holi every year for blind and street children. Where the kids play Holi with colorful flowers. Thus they have named the Holi Utsav as Phool Dol The organization is organizing this special festival for the last 6 years. There was large participation of people from all walks of life.
Last year more than 200 people participated in the color festival with different flowers like rose, lotus, Rajanigandha, and the entire place was full of colors, which they may not see but can feel.

“SARODIYA” is a Charitable Trust with the strength of more than 6500 members. Throughout the year “SARODIYA” contributes in different social activities like providing clothing and education to street Childs. Also involved with Old age homes, Blind homes for educational and cultural activities. Along with all these social activities SARODIYA organized Blood Donation Camps also.
This year too “SARODIYA” is organizing PHOOL DOL celebrated with Flowers with the children of “LIGHT HOUSE FOR THE BLIND” School. On 20th March 2019 (Wednesday) from 4.00pm “SARODIYA” will celebrate the PHOOL DOL with the children so those who wish to participate can join them.