Every city has its own history and hidden information about them, Kolkata; the city of Joy is no exception. The city is unique with cultural assimilation and a rich historic significance as the first British Capital of India.The movements and intellectual tradition of the Bengali people, which once shape the political and historical landscape of the whole nation is still hidden within every lanes of this city.
In this busy and fast life, we selfdom find time to look at the city as it is and try to find the stories which every building every structure of the city want to tell. Traditional story tellers like Grand Maa and Library books are some sources of knowing the city which has its own tradition which evolved with time and with the influence of people who came in from outside.
Let Us Go is an organisation which organizes various tour and walk on heritage and its history for everyone – from history enthusiasts to students to young and old people. Let Us Go has turned 2 on this December and to celebrate their 2nd anniversary with us this organisation had arranged a free heritage walk for everyone at Tollygunge in South Kolkata covering Boro Rasbari, Choto Rasbari, Mondal temple and Chandra Temple Complex. These temples are heritage properties and beautiful by its nature and the stories behind.
This free heritage walk was also covering the Aadi Ganga or the old Ganga river near Kalighat temple, which is very much pullulated this days because of the dirty actions of the people.Travel blogger Rangan Dutta was the guide for this heritage walk. There was a researcher Kinjal Bose who has been studying and researching various heritage properties of Bengal. There was Kamlesh Kamila, famous National Tourism Award Winner and editor.
According to an organizer, ‘our aim is to tell a different story that will touch the heart of everyone. We have a unique style to offer real experiences’.

The walk started at 7:30am from Tollygunge Phari in South Kolkata with a couple of enthusiastic people. Mr. Rangan Dutta explained each and every detail related to the rasbaris and temple complex. Participants got to know so many unknown things about their city. People got chance to visit the idol makers who had already started making Saraswati. People saw the making of earthen pot, which is called in Maatir bhaar. People heard a lot of stories of hawa Mahal, bawali mondals, the architecture and structure of the every temple and complex.

But at the same time people have seen the condition of Aadi Ganga. The researcher Kinjal Bose while speaking to News Sense said, ‘this is what we have done with our soul, our own Ganga‘. Rangan Dutta, the organizer in conversation with News Sense said “the walk is to help people know about their city they live or born. It is not only to visit the place of heritage but also to let other know about their places of interest, about the history. This is the way we can save and protect our heritage by ourselves. It is not only a walk but also awareness about the present situation of our environment”.
Let Us Go organises various events through their walk at regular intervals. The walk will also bring a family out of home for you. Those interested can contact via their Facebook page and meet the lifetime experience.