As with the beginning of the month of December the preparation for the celebration of Christmas begins and Christmas means Santa Clause and gifts for children, though there are many children who can’t afford to have gifts. Keeping this in mind a NGO Responsible Charity of India has organised a wonderful way giving everyone of us a chance to a Santa for kids in need.
Responsible Charity of India, along with all its branches, including its Kolkata centre giving the people of Kolkata an opportunity to become Santa Clause for once for the beautiful children on the occasion of their annual toy drive 2017. The toy distribution ceremony among the children in need between age group of three to twelve in the slum areas across Kolkata and other villages around Kolkata. All those who want to be a Santa have to purchase a toy for a girl or boy of age between 3 to 12 years or donate in excellent condition anything from dolls, cars, game sets etc. Write a personal greeting for the children as well. The lovable and experienced team volunteer of this charity will wrap those gift items with personal care and will gift the poor children in the slum areas on behalf of you or you too can be a part of this as a Santa.

Responsible charity of India, founded by Hemley Gonzalez is a Non Profit Organisation. It was in the year 2009 during a trip to India, Hemley experienced the pathetic conditions of the non-profit in India and the mismanagement or mutualisation of donations, so he started working in slum areas with all his efforts along with the support of some rational people to correct the wrong doing and thus Responsible Charity of India is born.
The charity is providing education in different ways. is to educate children of slums through different games. is music classes for children under poverty, English language classes, special tutoring to provide special guidance to slum children who are already in schools but can not afford tuition or help from others. Field trips and Sunday matinee is held on the first Sunday of every month at the centre for the children of slum areas and villages all across the city to have fun. The charity is also giving support for family planning and birth control through different educational workshops throughout the year in different slum areas, villages regarding personal hygiene, UTI, menstrual cycle, contraception etc. to the women. They also organise medical camps in slum areas.
The charity help people by donating clothes to the people in need, school bags and school supplies to the children under poverty. Many private organisation like Infosys, schools like Modern Academy helps them by donating items to help and support them.
Last date for donating toys is 20th December. They will be distributing the toys from 22nd December to 31st December among the children. So prepare yourself to be a Santa at the earliest.